837 LONGMEADOW STREET |  LONGMEADOW |  MASSACHUSETTS |  01106 |  P 413-565-4290   


Center School’s 3.6-acre site is located within the Historic District along Longmeadow Street. The school was constructed as two separate buildings in 1921 and 1928; and the main annex was at one time Longmeadow Junior High School. The design and rebuilding of the Center School within its historic walls began in 1995 and was completed in 1997. The renovation included the connection of the two original buildings with a library /media center.

There have been generations of students educated at Center School, and many of our parents and educators are former students. We embrace our rich history as just one of the many characteristics that makes Center School a very special school community.

Center School has just fewer than 400 students in grades k through 5. We are a Responsive Classroom School, which means teaching practices are based on the premise that social and academic learning go hand in hand. One of the most important guiding principles of a responsive classroom approach is the belief that for children to be successful academically and socially, they need a set of social skills.

Center School is a PeaceBuilders site. The PeaceBuilders program enhances the tenets of a responsive classroom approach. PeaceBuilders is our program to promote a respectful and caring community of learners in our school. The PeaceBuilders Pledge is the foundation of the program for all our students. You will find the guiding principles of PeaceBuilders and Responsive Classroom inherent in the work Center’s outstanding teachers accomplish each day with our students.

Our community has a tradition of supportive, caring, and involved families who develop a strong partnership with the school. There is no question that success begins at home and we’re appreciative of our families’ efforts. There are many ways to develop and enhance the home/ school partnership and I encourage families to explore these opportunities as a way to sustain the vibrancy of our community.

Center’s website is designed as one way for us to keep you informed of the happenings at the school. Please feel free to email or phone any member of the Center School community at any time with questions, concerns, or just to say hello. We enjoy seeing our families in and around the school as well!

I trust you’ll find the website helpful in many ways.  Thank-you for your ongoing support of your school community!

Principal and Office Staff

Donna Hutton


Skylar Wright

Skylar Schmittlein

Assistant Principal

Samantha Root

Secretary to the Principal

 Sarah Hughes 




Phone - 565-4290 ext 2

Fax 238-6126
